Friday, October 5, 2012


so i might not post everyday .. but i will certainly try to post something every couple days.

while i was writing my other post a friend stopped by my shop.
it felt so good to see a familiar face and chat with someone i had a history with

i actually went to training with him for the army.. and had not seen him for about 2 yrs.
he is stationed in the area... and i had sent him an invite to my shops facebook page. upon seeing that we were in town he decided to stop by.

it was so nice catching up with him...and knowing that there is one more person i know in this town..

being that i grew up in PA .. living in Ga is kinda hard since i dont have many friends.. i guess you can count coworkers..but thats not really the same thing.

the most people i interact with are from work or friends of my husbands.

and making friends can be hard as well.. i'm too old to try to inpress anyone and i dont feel i should waste my time trying.

i can be harsh.. some might even say an asshole but thats just how i am.. i dont like lying.. and i dont like being fake.. so when you are a friend of mine.. you usually know how i feel about something.. and can take what i say as the truth.

it makes some people mad.. but the truth hurts sometimes.

thats why i cherish the friendships i do have.. they may be scattered around the world.. but i treasure them all the same

well on another note.. i have lots of gallon jugs that are empty and im on a quest today to figure out a way to reuse them.. im trying to be more "green" i guess is the term.. i want to reuse alot of things instead of just throwing them away.. that way i dont waste money on buying something i already had.

well thats all for now.. i will try to post later today when i have more to say.

thanks for reading.. you guys are great. and feel free to post ideas you might have or opinions..
i wont argue with you.. everyone is entitled to their own opinion.. but i will let you know if i agree or not.

until next time,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You can set your own schedule for your blogging. I do mine mondays, wednesdays and thursdays. I also write them ahead of time and schedule them to be posted on the date and at the time I want them to be posted. That way I don't stress about not writing something everyday.

Also, looked for some ideas on reusing jugs and here are some sites I found with good ideas. I may even use some of these ideas.